Food pantries
York County
End 68 Hours of Hunger
(207) 337-1294
Email: Kittery@end68hoursofhunger.orgTable of Plenty Meal Program:
St. Raphael’s Church
6 Whipple Road, Kittery
Hours: Thursdays, 4:30pm-5:30pm
Portsmouth, NH
210 West Rd., #3, Portsmouth, NH
(603) 436-0641
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-5:00pm; Fridays 9:00am-1:00pmMobile Markets: See Gather website
South berwick
End 68 Hours of Hunger
(207) 337-1294
Email: Eliot@end68hoursofhunger.orgSouth Berwick Community Food Pantry
47 Ross St., South Berwick
(207) 384-2193
Hours: Thursdays, 6:00pm-7:00pm;
1st & 3rd Friday, 10:00am-11:30pm
House of Hope Food Pantry
6 Sullivan St., Berwick
Hours: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday
5:30pm-6:30pmTable of Plenty Meal Program
Berwick United Methodist Church
37 School St., Berwick
Hours: Wednesdays, 5:00pm-6:00pm
Arundel Food Pantry
1237 Alfred Rd., Arundel
(207) 229-0167
Hours: Sundays, 5:00pm-6:00pmCommunity Outreach Services
19 Park Street, Kennebunk
(207) 985-3844
Hours:Monday: 12 - 2 PM
Tuesday/Thursday: 3 - 5 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 12 PM
*in-house, personal shopping by appt.
*Information found at:
Table of Plenty Meal Program
First Parish Congregational Church
180 York St., York
(603) 767-2319
Hours: Tuesdays, 5pm-6pmYork Community Service Association Food Program
855 US-Route 1, York
(207) 363-5504
Hours: Thursdays, 12:30-3:00pm; 5:00-7:00pm
North berwick
North Berwick Food Pantry
@ the Mary Hurd School77 High Street, North Berwick, ME
(207) 646-4001
Hours: Mondays, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
St. Mary’s Ecumenical Food Pantry
236 Eldridge Rd., Wells
(207) 646-5605
Hours: Thursdays, 1:00pm-3:00pmWells Pentecostal Church Food Pantry
131 Crediford Rd., Wells
(207) 646-2859
Hours: Monday-Saturday, 8:00am-5:00pm
Biddeford Food Pantry
162 Elm St., Biddeford
(207) 282-4771
Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00am-11:00amStone Soup Food Pantry
180 Main St., Biddeford (lower level)
(207) 283-0055
Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00am-11:30am. Coffee daily, 7:00am
CSFP - Wayside Food Program
Offers a monthly supply of pantry staples for seniors, age 60 and older.
(207) 439-1313
State of Maine Department of Heath & Human Services General Assistance Program: 1-800-442-6003
Homeless shelters
York County & Portsmouth
Sanford, me
Caring Unlimited
Domestic Violence Shelter
York County Shelter Program
Family Shelter and Individual Shelter
(207) 324-1137
Portsmouth, NH
Crossroads House
Assistance Available 24/7- (603) 436-2218
Shelter Admission & Coordinated Entry (M-F 9-5) (603) 435-2448
Other Community resources
York County
Caring Unlimited
York County Domestic Violence Program 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-239-7298
Eliot General Assistance/Fuel Assistance
Eliot Town Office - 1333 State Rd., Eliot .
General Assistance Administrator, Melissa Albert (207) 439-1813 ext. 108
Fair Tide
Long term solutions for homeless individuals and families - providing homeless case support and a thrift store.
15 State Rd., Kittery, ME
(207) 439-6376
Thrift Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10-5; Saturday 10-5; Sunday - Closed
Families First - Mobile Health & Dental Services
For adults in temporary housing or unstable housing Families First provides medical & dental care, access to substance misuse treatment and psychiatric care, medications (No Narcotics), help applying for Medicaid, housing and other benefits.
(603) 422-8208
Fuel & More
Heating fuel, wood pellets, electric heat, resources, and support for the Kittery community.
(207) 703-8288
Kittery General Assistance/Fuel Assistance
General Assistance Administrator, Jillian Richards (207) 439-1313, call to schedule an appointment.
Legal Services For The Elderly, Inc.
Maine residents age 60 or older may be eligible for free or reduced legal fees: 1-800-750-5353
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-965-5762 or (207) 324-5762
York County Community Action
York County WIC
How to Apply:
Call (207) 459-2942; Email:; Online:
York Hospital Health Care Help Center
Clinical, Financial, Community, Information, Advice, Answers
York Hospital Financial Assistance Program
Monday - Friday 8 - 4:30PM or by appointment
(207) 752-8642
York Hospital’s Prescription Assistance Program (PAP)
Help for those who do not have prescription coverage, meet income qualifications, are legal resident of U.S., take certain medications (Not all medications are available), have a York Hospital provider.
Call Renee Kocev, PAP Coordinator at the Health Care Help Center, at (207) 351-2652 or email for more information.